Foundation Walls Project Day 2: Painting a Mural
While traveling long distances in a car you are provided the opportunity to the listen to albums all the way through with little to no interruptions in your own acoustic cage. The right music paired with the right roads can make all difference between a beautiful drive and a boring drive. One of my favorite albums to listen to from beginning to end with no breaks is Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd. Pair that up while driving I40 through New Mexico into Arizona and you're in for one hell of a ride ESPECIALLY if you catch a sunset during the drive.
For the mural Im about to paint today the idea is to paint an album. Paint the imagery that comes to mind while the album is playing and finish the painting in the allotted time. The time frame I chose was 3 repetitions of the entire album with 20 minute breaks inbetween because this wall is in the direct sunlight and its 94 in July next to a river. Buffing the wall doesnt count towards my time. Once I hit play the painting begins

Just under 3 hours and this is the final product of listening to Pink Floyds 'Dark Side of the Moon' album on repeat 3 times while creating a painting from beginning of 1st to end of 3rd repetition.

That was a fun experiment + met a lot of interesting people along the way as people werent shy to approach me while painting here. Time to go jump in the river with the forest people, rinse off, and hit the finest of watering holes the city has to offer ..for research