New Mural at SprATX Gallery in Austin, TX
The SprATX Ignite Residency is nearing it's end point. As part of the opening exhibition this week I was also given the go ahead to paint a mural on the outside wall of the gallery (and in the gallery but that comes later!). For the imagery I thought of creating something that would encompass my experience in Austin for the past 2 months but after short contemplation the style of having no pre-plan proved to be the most tested among the time spent here. The style of grabbing whatever materials you can get your hands on and running with it. Before starting this freestyle mural I had to buff over a badass mural by Denial


!!...Lets begin...!!

photo by ER

Almost finished....

photo by Jomau

Had a lot of fun painting this one!! Keep an eye out for it if you're driving down Pedernales or E. Cesar Chavez in Austin!
..Now onto the final step, building the opening exhibition in 3 days!