Acme Metal Yard in Albuquerque, NM
Thanks to one of Albuquerque's finest artists and a new friend in paint by the name of Dice I was pointed in the direction of the Acme Metal Yard during my time in ABQ to check out a wall of fame. Upon arrival you cant miss the gigantic alleyway full of graffiti on every level..

I caught one writer in action by the name of Tiffany but she wasnt trying to have a conversation...

Someone with time to spare, a fellow artist, interacted with me on my way to grab some paint from my car-house. She told me she had never used a spray paint can so I offered her two of mine. Another partner in paint on this fine Tuesday afternoon.. This was Jen's painting..

While she was burning through 3 cans of inspiration the paint in my bag was being put to use.. Waiting for the buff paint to dry I asked Jen the first thing that comes to mind when asked what she would like to see me paint. As a true New Mexican native she said paint a green pepper Mr. Stranger from the alleyway

Albuquerque Food Tip: go to Winnings Coffee and order the Deluxe Breakfast Burrito at Christmas

Some more photos from the walls