Visual Journey Through a New Jersey Bathroom Stall
I love bathroom graffiti. Plain and simple. Bathroom graffiti is the original keyboard warrior. Bathroom graffiti was a secret library of thoughts, wisdom, hieroglyphic symbols, multiple levels of racism, and dick drawings. Drawing on the bathroom stall was the seed that impregnated graffiti into my brain pussy. The stall is a safe haven for anyone from anywhere to speak their mind regardless of how idiotic, intelligent, racist, homophobic, misogynist, prophetic, disgusting, or beautiful their thoughts are as long as they possess a marker or pen this person has a voice. If you're looking for longevity bring a knife to carve your message into the wall. On a recent trip to create an installation at Suwanee Hulaween Festival in Florida I found myself in a bathroom stall at a rest stop in New Jersey for 5 minutes longer then intended due to the scribbles on the stall walls .. Why? Well, take a look...
*These images and text DO NOT in any way represent my personal views or thoughts*

Cleanliness is key