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5 Shows in the Next 5 Weeks!

A lot going in the next 5 weeks!

Jam4TheEnd Festival at 615 Broadway in Kingston, NY on September 5th!

First band kicks off at 1:45pm and then the party runs all night rain or shine. The Stetz Express will be out with all new paintings, shirts, prints, stickers, and more!

Click the Rainbird Foundation logo below to go to their website for the lineup and more info

September 16th: Showing New Artwork with John Breiner at MOKM Studios at 71 Main St. in New Paltz, NY

Not only will John and I have artwork on display at MOKM Studios but then right next door in front of Mannys Art Supplies will be the first time ever that the Stetz Express will be featuring the works of two artists! All new prints, t-shirts, stickers, and artwork from John breiner and I paired with some live painting, and if you're hungry the best tacos New Paltz has to offer, Mexicali Blue, will be neighboring us as well!

John Breiner painting a mural in Poughkeepsie, NY

Sept. 23 - 24 is the Art Walk in Kingston, NY

Varying locations throughout Kingston, NY

I'll be showing new artwork alongside Scott Ackerman and Paul Hall at the (grand opening next week!) Kingston Pop Museum!

The museum is located at 672 Broadway in Kingston, NY and is open for viewing the 23 - 24th from noon to 9pm

About the Gallery: From one Broadway in Midtown to another Broadway in Midtown — John Stavros is bringing his energy and talents to the Catskill Mountains. The Kingston Pop Museum will be a collection of Stavros’s life endevours incorporating fashion, art, music, sports, entertainment and private events and productions under one roof. The Pop Museum will provide artist creative services such as managment, promotions, marketing and hospitality. The Pop Museum will also have a retail merchandise store called the Pop Shop to promote and sell artist merchandise. The Kingston Pop Museum currently has six artist live and work loft spaces

Sept. 30 - Grand Opening Event at the Kingston Pop Museum!!

672 Broadway in Kingston, NY from 6 - 11pm

Featuring the largest collection of Antonio Lopez artwork in the world from the personal collection of John Stavros and the artwork of Eugene Stetz

This show has been well over 2 years in the making! I was introduced to the owner of the Kingston Pop Museum, John Stavros, about a year and a half ago on the day he purchased the property that now stands as the Kingston Pop Museum. He's been working his (Andy Warhol photographed) ass off to get to this point and Im very honored to not only be showing my artwork at his gallery but to have worked with John since the day we met. He has become a great friend and taught me a grand amount about business, health, how to curse in Greek, and how to stay happy by simply having fun

Tonights show is a private event (the public parties next Saturday!)

If you would like an invite shoot me an e-mail via the Contact page up on the top right of this webpage

October 6 - 8 - O+ FESTIVAL!!! in Kingston, NY and Opening Night at The Kingston Pop Museum

My favorite festival of the year, O+ Festival! Founded by the amazing artists Joe Concra and Denise Orzo, O+ is a festival dedicated to the exchange of medicine for art. In return for artists painting murals all over the city, bands playing at nearly every venue & bar in uptown Kingston, and the gigantic staff of volunteers hard work they all receive FREE medical attention from nurses, dentists, massage therapists, local spa's, free food and drinks throughout the festival, and a whooooole lot more! Check out their website for the entire lineup and more info!

During O+ Festival the Kingston Pop Museum will be hosting its FIRST EVER public opening featuring the John Stavros collection of Antonio Lopez artwork and all new artwork from me, Eugene Stetz! This one will be a lot of fun we'll have live bands performing, drinks, new artwork, drinks, and some secrets you'll have to show up to see! Party kicks off at 6pm and runs until .....(?)

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