New Murals Around the World
I wanted to take a minute to showcase some works by different artists from around the world whom I have immense respect and a great appreciation for the artwork that they produce
This first mural is by one of my favorite artist, Seth. This piece is part of the 15 artworks which are painted in schools around China for the Back To School Project which is curated by Seth.

Next up is Breeze Yoko. Painting in Cape Town, Breeze Yoko created this awesome piece of work. “Boniswa” is her name and she lives in Khayelitsha. She is north facing, always looking into the sun and looking towards Table Mountain. This piece is dedicated to the black girl child who (in his view) holds the key and is gifted with the vision of the future.

This next mural is by Gleo in South America where she was invited by the LatidoAmericano Street Art Festival to paint a new piece in Paraguay.

This next polar bear stuck in a plastic bottle is by Christian Rebecchi & Pablo Togni also known as NeverCrew. This duo has become one of my favorite teams to watch lately. Theyve been producing incredible artwork all over the world and they have developed a style that really stands out from the rest. This mural was painted in Canada for the Vancouver Mural Festival

And Im saving the best for last. One of my all time favorite artists to watch, Interesni Kazki. Interesni Kazki consists of two painters but on certain occasions they work apart from another. AEC from Interesni Kazki traveled to Ibiza for the latest Bloop Festival. The mural was painted as part of the OpenAir.Gallery project, the festival’s long term plan to convert the island into a true gallery under the skies, open all year round. Entitled The Revolution

h/t to StreetArt News for the info and photos