8 Artist Collaboration Mural Pt. 2
The artists: Eye Dr, Helena, Gage Kelsey, Jomau, Emily Ding, Luis Angulo, JJ Muzacz, Miles Starky, and myself Yesterday I took the rare...

8 Artist Collaboration Mural at Cherry Cola Dog in Austin, TX Pt. 1
Spontaneity in collaboration can make for a exquisite composition. In this case take 7 parts Austin based artists, mix in a shot of New...

100 Artist Group Show & Live Painting at Cherry Cola Dog
Saturday April 1st, APRIL FOOLS DAY and the Cherry Cola Dogs 100+ Artist Group Show featuring live paintings by myself, Helena, and Miles...

Custom Refrigerator & Painting for Cherry Cola Dog Group Art Show
Tug (owner and curator of Cherry Cola Dog): "Here's a 3ft. canvas to complete for the show AND a refrigerator to paint, you have until...

Collab Mural with @SquidShop Pt. 2
2 days 2 murals with Squid For this one we played the line game: The line game is when each of us drawing one line after the other with...

Collab Mural with @Squidshop
Squidshop AKA Freddy Wu-Tang AKA Freddy Grunts AKA Fab Freddy 4 Fingers and I got together to paint a quick space squid for the kids All...

When life gives you pineapple you eat it. When life gives you rum you drink it. When life says jump in Lake Ontario in December you jump...

Meteor City Trading Post
If you're taking a cross country trip and drive at night you're screwing yourself out of a plethora of missed opportunities.. In the...

Tucson, AZ Murals
Had the opportunity to paint a mural in Tucson recently, cant show the photo but I managed to catch a few beautiful murals around town:

Last October during O+ Festival I was interviewed by Rob Galgano for Radiopositive and that interview finally found its way to the...